The Federal Clean Air Act amended in 1990, mandated new high standards governing acceptable emissions from industrial facilities. These include overspray particulates of finishing operations which must be virtually eliminated from vented air. As such, use of Filtration Group Finishing’s paint arrestors guarantee a minimum of 98.30% up to 99.9% removal efficiency of all paint particulates without dropping vital air flow below federally prescribed limits.
In accordance with OSHA regulation 1910.107, to protect the spray booth operator, particulate-laden air must be vented out of the booth and away from the operator. Federal regulations require that the air must be moved past the operator at a minimum air velocity of 60-100 linear feet per minute, depending on application method.
For conventional dry type spray booths where paint overspray filters or rolls are used, Filtration Group Finishing recommends the installation of a manometer (pressure gage) to measure the pressure drop across the filters. This gage shall be marked to show the pressure drop at which the filters require cleaning or replacement. Filters shall be cleaned or replaced whenever the pressure drop across them becomes excessive or whenever the air flow through the face of the booth falls below 100 feet per minute. An exception is made for electrostatic spraying operations, in which OSHA requires that air flow not drop below a minimum of 60 feet per minute air flow velocity.
FG-F references the following OSHA regulation regarding this matter:
The spraying operations except electrostatic spraying operations shall be so designed, installed and maintained that the average air velocity over the open face of the booth (or booth cross section during spraying operations) shall be not less than 100 linear feet per minute. Electrostatic spraying operations may be conducted with an air velocity over the open face of the booth of not less than 60 linear feet per minute, or more, depending on the volume of the finishing material being applied and its flammability and explosion characteristics. Visible gauges or audible alarm or pressure activated devices shall be installed to indicate or ensure that the required air velocity is maintained. Filter rolls shall be inspected to ensure proper replacement of filter media.