The U.S. automotive collision repair market is valued at over $30 billion and continuing to grow. The diverse filtration systems to support such a vast market have stringent performance requirements and Air Flow Technology offers a comprehensive product portfolio to satisfy those needs.
Single Source Provider:
Unlike other filter providers, Air Flow Technology manufactures the complete line of filtration products required of the Automotive Collision Repair market in house; including pre-filters, ceiling diffusion media, exhaust filters, floor protection and wall protection. In today’s lien, fast paced economy the ability to purchase all required materials from a single source is critical to stay competitive and ahead of demand requirements.
Filtrair ™ Ceiling Diffusion Media:
Air Flow Technology is the exclusive U.S. Distributor of Filtrair™ ceiling diffusion media. A valued division of Filtration Group Co., Filtrair™ manufactures premium diffusion media of various efficiencies in the Netherlands, which are stocked and converted to custom sizes at Air Flow Technology’s facilities in Kenosha, WI and Torrance, CA. Recognized as a market leader, Filtrair is a specialty supplier to the automotive coating facilities of all leading auto assembly companies throughout Asia, Europe and North America. Air Flow Technology’s substantial stocking and quick converting abilities allow us to deliver premium diffusion media to the Automotive collision repair market faster than our competitors.
Filter Selection by Booth OEM/Model:
With an extensive history of manufacturing and supplying filtration solutions to the Automotive Collision Repair market, Air Flow Technology has proven solutions for filter systems for all the top paint booth manufacturer’s and models. These established filter solutions take the guesswork out of our customer’s hands and ensure proper fit and efficiency, allowing our customer’s paint booths to operate at optimal conditions.
Contact Air Flow Technology today for all your Automotive paint booth filter and booth protection needs.
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